SeeClickFix Blog #3

  • Has the status of your issue changed since the last time you checked it?  Explain your answer.

Yes, the status of my issue has changed. The status has changed from acknowledged to closed.

  • On Edublog #1 you were asked to predict whether or not SeeClickFix would fix the problem you reported.  Did you find that your prediction came true?  Explain your answer. 

No, my prediction did not come true because I predicted that SeeClickFix would not fix the problem i reported and they did.

  • Are you satisfied with the result of the issue you reported?  Explain why, or why not.

Yes, I am satisfied with the result of the issue I reported because they fixed it right away, and it did not take SeeClickFix a long time to do something about my problem.

  • Do you think that SeeClickFix is a useful tool for helping people fix problems in their communities?  Explain your answer.

Yes, I feel like SeeClickFix is very helpful because they actually listen to and take initiative on what the repoters have to say, then they do something about it.

  • If you could change or improve SeeClickFix, what would you do?  Explain your answer.

If I could change one thing about SeeClickFix I wouldn’t. I’ve only had one encounter with the website and it was successful. Everthing was done pretty quickly and they kept the reported updated with their issue, it was nice.

  • Which class project do you think was best able to help the people who resisted an oppression gain agency:  SeeClickFix or the May Day March?  Explain your answer.

I feel like the SeeClickFix project was best to help the people who resisted an oppression gain back agency because  with the other projects no one took action but the Fremont High School students, but in this case the city of Oakland actually stepped in to fix what we demanded be fixed.

  • Do the results of the SeeClickFix and May Day projects imply that one form of resistance is better than another?  Explain your answer.  

Yes, it shows that certain forms of resistance actually cause change, like the SeeClickFix project, and it shows that some only give you internal agency, like the May Day March.

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